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Bear-Ban Builders, LLC logo


Woodland Heights
in Montvale, NJ

We have 2 homes avalable for immediate occupancy! This is a wonderful opportunity to live in a maintenance-free gated community outfitted with luxurious features, low taxes and the best schools.
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Orangeburgh Road
in River Vale, NJ

3 new homes on 1+ acre lots at a very affordable price! From $750,000 and Available for Immediate Occupancy!
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Rivervale Road
in River Vale, NJ

We have begun construction on 8 luxury homes, but they're already selling! Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to live in a maintenance-free gated community outfitted with many luxurious features.
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Blauvelt St. in Rivervale
in River Vale, NJ

Situated a on a secluded cul-de-sac, there are only 6 homes availble. From $995
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Rivervale Road in River Vale, New Jersey

Located in the lush, beautiful town of River Vale, NJ, one of Valley View's eight unique and luxurious homes is being built just for you, creating the perfect lifestyle at home and in the community!

From the four- and five-star ratings of the River Vale schools to the elegance of the River Vale Country Club, this community and the surrounding towns offer the finest in dining, entertainment and shopping as well as employment opportunities, and places of worship for all faiths.

Reserve your home now — you deserve it! Don't miss this — call now... 201-307-0556


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